

Hello everyone that follows this little blog!  Winter break is here for me, and I’m glad for it.  I passed my classes and now have some time and energy to work on my stories in the gap between semesters.  I bet by now you’ve noticed the Psycat and Senet-Ra posts that I’ve put up in the past few days.  This is because I’ve made it my gap project to post here (since I’ve already digitized my incomplete writings last week and needed another goal to achieve) and attempt to be a bit more frequent with Senet-Ra’s story.

Speaking of her and my other story parts that I post here, I do ascribe to the creative commons licensing project.  I believe that ya’ll won’t steal the works here, but this is just in case you didn’t know.


Yep, that’s right.  My works are on this license.  For those of you who don’t know, if you do like my work and want to share it, that’s fine, but credit me.  You, however, cannot make derivative works or get paid off of my work.  This is your expressed in writing forewarning.  I have worked hard on these stories and characters and do not want to be plagiarized.

Off topic, I’m going to go see the new Star Wars movie today, so it will probably be tomorrow before I get a new Senet-Ra story section up.  Thanks for being patient with me on the bumpy road of writing in university.